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Online Workshop FAQ 

How long will I have access to the workshop content?


While most participants will be active in our private Facebook group mostly during the workshop days, once the workshop is over, you will continue to have access to the group and all the content indefinitely. 



How much time can I expect this workshop to take each day? 


The bulk of the workshop includes a series of short videos (about 1.5-2 hours long). You can decide when to watch these videos throughout the workshop, whether that be in short bursts or all at once. 


We also have live Facebook Q & A sessions Monday through Thursday and a weekend zoom call. You can plan on these being about 30-40 minutes each. 


If you complete all of the tasks each day, I expect the workshop to take about 45-60 minutes of your time. 


Regardless, the content isn't going anywhere, so feel free to catch up after the official dates for the workshop happen. 



How much is the workshop? 


The current cost of the workshop is $35. Participants share that they feel like they get immense value for that money spent. They often find their practice (and practice attitudes) have really turned around in a new direction . . . which is literally priceless :) 


Do you have a studio/group discount?


I have a group rate of $80 for a teacher and up to 5 studio families. 



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